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Academics | Faculty of Nursing


Unique : Produce nurses of international standards to meet the needs of international society.
Identity : Smart in management, international language communication, leadership, technology savvy.   


Leading Faculty of Nursing Aiming for prominence and excellence at the international level and grow completely by 2026


  1. Organize education in the field of nursing science to meet the needs of students in lifelong learning.
  2. Produce basic and applied research that integrates teaching, research, and academic services. To society and the maintenance of arts and culture using the science of nursing and health. and other related fields.
  3. Academic services that respond to the needs of the country Regional and international.
  4. Preserve good Thai arts and culture. Including promoting the exchange of Thai and international culture. both inside and outside the university.


  1. To produce nursing graduates that respond to human resource needs at the local level. National and international level and have competency according to the criteria of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
  2. To produce nursing graduates with the identity of “smart management Communicate in English, volunteerism, leadership, be proficient in technology.” Have responsibility for oneself and society.
  3. To study and research and develop a network for research in nursing and health in order to gain knowledge for use in teaching and learning.
  4. To provide academic services at the local level National and international level.
  5. For academic services in nursing and health Both at the local, national and international levels and providing knowledge in health promotion. Disease prevention treatment care and restoring health to society.
  6. To preserve arts and culture Apply and cultivate good Thai and international arts and culture for students.
  7. University personnel and community.