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Academics | Faculty of Nursing

List of Programs

Program Name

                 In Thai         หลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต (หลักสูตรภาษาไทย)

                 In English   Bachelor of Nursing Science Program (Thai Program)

Title of Degree and Field of Study

                 In Thai         พยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต พย.บ.

                 In English   Bachelor of Nursing Science B.N.S.

Major Subject (If Applicable)


Career Opportunities

    1. Be a professional nurse operating in nursing and midwifery in every health care facility, in the public and private sectors, education institutions industries, or other establishments related to health care.
    2. Being an independent practitioner in both nursing and other health-related affairs under the relevant laws.

Total Credits Required

                Total number of credits 128 credits

Program Structure

    1. General Education Courses (30 Credits)
    2. Specific Courses (92 Credits)
    3. Elective Courses (6 Credits)

Program Name

                 In Thai         หลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ)

                 In English   Bachelor of Nursing Science Program (International Program)

Title of Degree and Field of Study

                 In Thai         พยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต พย.บ.

                 In English   Bachelor of Nursing Science B.N.S.

Major Subject (If Applicable)


Career Opportunities

    1. Be a professional nurse operating in nursing and midwifery in every health care facility, in the public and private sectors, education institutions industries, or other establishments related to health care.
    2. Being an independent practitioner in both nursing and other health-related affairs under the relevant laws.

Total Credits Required

                Total number of credits 128 credits

Program Structure

    1. General Education Courses (30 Credits)
    2. Specific Courses (92 Credits)
    3. Elective Courses (6 Credits)