SIU First Alumni Gathering Activity at Haven Cocktail Bar on Paholyothin Rd.
Last night, 20 SIU alumni from 2017-2022 from School of Liberal Arts, School of Management, School of Management Technology, and School of Information Technology, the flagship academic programs from the past, gathered for a birthday party at Haven Cocktail Bar on Paholyothin Rd, Bangkok.
This was the first event in a series of SIU alumni gathering which will continue to be held every month throughout this year and next year to bring alumni back to meet each other, discuss, shared experiences, and network together to establish alumni data base and build employment relations towards the university QS ranking.
In the next few months, alumni interviews, public relations and international communication activities, workshops, forums, and other forms of alumni gathering including social, academic, and professional events will be held regularly to further build the university’s domestic and international reputation.