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Grand Opening Ceremony of Shinawatra University’s 2023 Second Semester

Shinawatra University held a magnificent opening ceremony on the morning of January 7, 2024, marking the commencement of the new semester. Over ten university leaders, more than 30 teachers, and nearly 400 students from various campus sectors gathered to witness this solemn and exhilarating moment.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Vice President of Education, Ms. Peng Lan, who warmly welcomed all faculty and students in her address while expressing expectations for the new semester. Ms. Peng Lan emphasized the importance of education, encouraging students to actively participate in academic, cultural, and social activities, fostering comprehensive skills, and pursuing excellence in personal development.

During his speech, Mr. Zhou Fei, the university’s leader in sales, reflected on the remarkable achievements of the previous semester and outlined the future direction of the institution. He underscored the importance of unity and collaboration within the university, calling upon all faculty and students to work together towards greater achievements.

The entire ceremony unfolded in a dignified yet enthusiastic atmosphere, featuring a flag-raising ceremony, passionate artistic performances, and collective cheers from the entire university community. The opening ceremony served not only as a ritual to welcome the new semester but also as an inspiring moment to ignite enthusiasm and determination.

As the new semester begins, Shinawatra University has conveyed a commitment to excellence and confidence in the future to the entire faculty and student body. Anticipating more remarkable achievements across various fields in the upcoming semester, the university hopes that students will thrive in their pursuit of knowledge, making significant contributions to society.

Shinawatra University looks forward to joining hands with all faculty and students in creating a brighter future together!
