History of Bai Sri Sukhwan
Bai Sri Su Kwan Ceremony is an important ceremony of people in northeastern Thailand. It involves moral teachings and spiritual practices for the people. The lifestyle of northeastern people appears in every aspect of the culture. As a cultural example, Bai Sri Su Kwan boosts moral and spiritual power in people to enable them to overcome various disasters, while Gthe giving of the Kwan helps to bring good luck. Altogether, the ceremony blesses the people attending with luck and well wishes to free them from misfortunes. The ceremony is organized for those who have left their homes for a long time or those who have recently recovered from a fever as well as to congratulate those who have been promoted in the government and to welcome visitors to the northeastern region when organizing any event. The ceremony tends to be held beautifully and elaborately.
Bai Sri Su Kwan offerings are traditionally made of banana leaves, shaped like a kratong, in layers, large and small, up to 3 floors, 5 floors, 7 floors, or 9 floors, with a pillar embroidered in the middle as the core. There are sacrifices placed in the bai Sri and there are khai khwan (boiled eggs) inserted on the top of the bai Sri. There are many types such as Bai Sri Tong, Bai Sri Pak Cham, Bai Sri Yai (Khmer language, bai = rice + Sri = Siri, meaning rice Ansiri or Khao Kwan). White lines are wrapped around the kratong to be used for wrapping wrists of the gift recipients, while the ceremonial leader is called Dr. Kwan.
Type Of Bai Sri
In the North, Bai Sri is called “Bai Sri”, “Bai Saree” or “Bai Sri Nam Maew” and Phan Bai Sri is called Khan Bai Sri because northern people called Phan Khan. There are four types of Bai Sri, including Bai Sri Luang; Bai Sri Nom Maew; Bai Sri Pak Cham; and Bai Sri KluayIn the northeastern region, Baisri is called “Phabai Sri”, “Pakhwan” or some locals call it “Khan Baisri”. In the northeastern region, Bai Sri is divided into 3 types: Phakwan / Phabai Sri / Mak Beng.In the northeastern region with Khmer descent, Bai Sri is called “Bai Sray” which is divided into 3 types: Bai Sray Deem (Bai Sri Ton); Bai Sray Tia (Bai Sri Thar); and Bai Sae Ratchan (Bai Sri Pak Cham).
Baisri Su kwan Dance
Ram baisri sukwan is another beautiful performance from I-Sarn or Northeastearm part of Thailand. The dance is performed in Bai Sri Su Kwan ceremony which is using in the lucky ceremony, the rite of inviting Kwan (good spirits) to welcoming official foreign or important visitors. Nowadays, the performance is generally shown at any event or miscellaneous ceremonies.
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