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Students Myanmar visit SIU

🌐✨ A momentous day as we welcomed exclusive partners from Myanmar, the students, parents, and staffs of Promise International Academy, to Shinnawatra University in Thailand!

On November 24th, 2023, our Vice President of International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Palphol Rodloytuk, extended a warm welcome, followed by an inspiring speech from Mr. Kaung Zan, the Founder of Promise International Academy.

On that day, The Honored Deans from each school took the stage to introduce their programs: Asst. Prof. Nualyai Pitsachart, Dean of the School of Nursing; Asst. Prof. Dr. Sujin Butdisuwan, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts; and Dr. Sarana Photchanachan, Dean of the School of Management, introduced their programs, making it an informative and enjoyable experience for all. 🎓🌈

It was truly a wonderful day filled with knowledge exchange and collaboration. Here’s to the continuation of this partnership between Thai and Myanmar education! 🤝
