Providing services at The Counseling Room, 6th floor, Main Building, Main Campus. Please scan the QR code to register in advance before receiving services (walk-in are not accepted).
1. Making appointment only.
2. Making an appointment
at least 1 week in advance.
服务对象至少提前 1 周预约。
3. Foreigner cases are provided
in 10.00-12.00 only.
外国人咨询服务仅限 10:00-12:00。
4. The Counseling Service is provided
in Thai and English.
Click for make an Appointment
SIU provides counselling services to support students who have mental health-related problems that could potentially affect their studies while in the university.
Appointments can be made at Student Affairs Office, 1st Floor Main Building, from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or SA’s LINE
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